Dental Implants Naperville

Russo has lived in Naperville for about 10 years and as far back as she can remember, some 40 years, she has suffer through dental problems.

“I met Dr. LaVacca at his downtown Naperville office, and he literally performed a miracle that changed my life. I feel like a totally new person with dental implants.”

Russo had lost most of her teeth over a period of years due to an assortment of issues including gum disease. She was wearing a lower partial denture supported by her few remaining teeth. Unfortunately, the additional pressure on the remaining teeth ultimately caused them to deteriorate and they needed to be removed which would leave Russo with no lower teeth and the prospect of a full lower denture. In the upper jaw Russo had extensive crown and bridge work done overseas about 35 years ago, which had failed due to wear and tear and decay, and had resulted in so much damage that the only option was to look at removing the remaining upper teeth and the crowns and bridges.

“When Russo and I first met in my Naperville office, she made it clear she wanted to avoid dentures and preferred dental implants to replace her teeth,” explained Dr. LaVacca. “We reviewed a range of dental implant options, which would provide her with all her lower teeth as a fixed–bridge on 4 dental implants. In the upper jaw, Russo had 6 dental implants placed and a full implant bridge fitted.”

“I am just so thrilled beyond belief. I’m over the moon. I would tell anyone not to hesitate because Dr. LaVacca is a miracle worker.”

Are you a good candidate for dental implants?

If you are missing one or more teeth, you may want to consider dental implants. There are many benefits of dental implants, and they are the most long-lasting and effective solution to replace your missing teeth.

Unfortunately, not everyone is an ideal candidate for dental implants.

Ideal Dental Implant Candidates

Ideal dental implant candidates:

  • Have healthy teeth and gums
  • Have sufficient bone density to support the dental implant
  • Are committed to good oral hygiene
  • Do not suffer from uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune disorders which may impact your ability to heal
  • Have not had treatment with bisphosphonate medications (usually for cancer treatment)
  • Are non-smokers or are willing to stop smoking during the dental implant process
  • Understand that the process can take four to twelve months, and are willing to commit this amount of time to the dental implant procedure
  • After the bone material is placed, it can take a full six months to heal. The implant is placed after the bone grafting site has healed. After the implant is placed it can take an additional six months to heal before the crown can be placed.

Bone Density

One of the most important criteria for dental implant candidacy is having sufficient bone structure in your jaw to accommodate the dental implant. If you lack sufficient jawbone density, the implant may not be able to withstand the extreme forces exerted by chewing and as a result, your implant may fail.

In some cases, you may be able to undergo a bone graft to restore sufficient bone density in your and height in your jaw. During this procedure, prepackaged sterile bone particulate is used, or occasionally, a piece of bone is taken from another region of your body and transplanted into your jaw. At your initial consultation, our dentists will tell you if a bone graft is necessary before undergoing the dental implant procedure.

Dental Implant Candidacy and Gum Disease

Gum disease is a common issue impacting dental implant candidacy. In many instances, gum disease is the primary reason for tooth loss. If you have gum disease, it will need to be treated prior to your dental implant procedure to get the condition under control. Once you have successfully undergoneperiodontal treatment, you may be able to move forward with your dental implant procedure.

Learn more about your dental implants options

At Naperville Dental Specialists, we can provide you with this modern and innovative solution for replacing your teeth without the inconveniences that are associated with traditional dentures. If you want a full set of natural looking, beautiful teeth in as little as one day, call 630-848-2010 to schedule a consultation. 

These dental implants have been like a miracle for me. To have this smile has changed my life… Dr. LaVacca, I say thank you so much.

– Russo, Naperville Resident


Benefits of Dental Implants

Regain comfort and your confidence

Dental implants provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. With implants, you can rediscover the comfort and confidence to eat, speak, laugh, and enjoy life. Implants are expected to last for a lifetime, don’t decay and won’t affect your surrounding teeth.